





> welcome

welcome to v4.0! i created this website as a place where i can put all the stuff i make, find, and think of, as well as a way for me to learn and improve my html and css skills.

this site changes format and theme frequently, as i am constantly being inspired by others’ dope ass work (as well as the fact that i am indecisive as fuck). For this reason will always be a work-in-progress. special thanks to all the wonderful people on pastebin for providing the funny little codes for the effects that make this site more fun.

CURRENT SITE INSPO: the old layouts of deviantart and newgrounds. dimden’s hotel (PHOTOSENSITIVITY WARNING). neon signs. shiny plastic buttons on music players. my childhood alarm clock. @rebelband's art.

> chatbox

> site button

> updates

0/0/23 hey yall its been a long time. i havent had the motivation to work on this site for like months but we're back and better than ever. the only pages ive finished so far are the home page (except for my site button) and my about page. hopefully ill find the motivation 2 finish the rest lol
